Monday, October 29, 2012

New Video Dump: Terminal Union and Solo Piano -

I've filmed quite a few videos over the last few weeks. Thought I'd put them up here for you.

Terminal Union: Magnificent Sounds and Dark Hollow

Randy Newman: I Want You To Hurt Like I Hurt

Pink Floyd: Nobody's Home

Bob Dylan: Mama, You've Been On My Mind

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nobody Home - Pink Floyd (solo piano cover)

Playing Nobody Home from The Wall on piano is almost like a ritual for me. That song has been part of me since my earliest days of listening to music. Was always fascinated by the solo piano and vocal in this track contrasted to the rest of the album. I used to try to pick the song out when I was younger and never had any luck. It's funny how time and practice will get you there eventually:

:::Nobody Home, Pink Floyd:::piano cover

I Want You To Hurt Like I Do - Randy Newman - solo piano cover

Randy Newman is one of my favorite singer-songwriter/pianists. No one does satire better than him. I've been dealing with some back issue lately. I thought the title of this song was fitting for a new blog post.

Newman said this song was a satiric follow-up to We Are The World. To me, the lyrics are extremely dark and represent the lowest of the low in human nature. Hope you enjoy this living room performance with recoded with my iphone fisheye:

::I Want You To Hurt Like I Do:::

I learned this song from the following live performance in London, 1989:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New Original Tune: One of the Ones - RIP Dave Corson and NiK Smith

"Fallen fruit ain't always rotten..."

RIP Dave Corson
Here's a brand new original tune written this summer. It's been an intense year with friendships and actually losing two close friends to tragic accidents. This song is dedicated to my musical partner Ian Mathieu, skater Nik Smith and life-long friend Dave (Big Daddy) Corson. This song is a reflection on friendship, life's struggles and seeing beauty for where it truly lies --- in our personal relationships and experiences with those close to us...regardless if it's perfect or not.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Kauai Moon - For Jon Wright

Kauai Moon for Jon Wright. A traditional Hawaiian slack key style guitar song. I wrote and recorded this to the sound of the waves under a Kauai moon in Poipu.

I heard about our dear friend Jon Wright's terrible accident while in HI and have been thinking of him every day. I haven't seen Jon in many years but he was one of my first true musical partners in high school. We had many great times together. Jon is a one of a kind soul - wishing him a full recovery and knowing he'll be playing in the oceans and mountains again soon.

Jon, I've always thought of you. I knew you were one of the few who truly followed their dreams and passions.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Branson Heavy Slam - Don't Give Up

Branson continues to amaze me on his board. Always pushing himself to learn new tricks and never afraid to slam hard then get up and try again. He's still only 8 years old yet has discovered a true passion that he can take with him his entire life.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Tribute to Miles Davis and Townes Van Zandt - Magnificent Sounds - with trumpet

Here is the near final version of Magnificent Sounds. Thanks to the following Cincinnati musicians for making this an extremely special recording to me.
Ian Mathieu - guitar
Michael Mavridoglou - trumpet
Jared Manker - bass
Brad Kelly - harmony vocals
Written and recorded by David Faul at Apple Hill Studios, Cincinnati, OH
Magnificent Sounds is a song I wrote as a testament to two of my musical heroes; Miles Davis and Townes Van Zandt. These two men couldn't have been more different in nearly every aspect of their lives and musical discography, however, they both stand alone and share the title of Icon for their genre of music.
With the help of Michael Mavridoglou on trumpet we tried to blend elements of jazz and folk into one song creating a sound beyond genre characterization. I'm blessed to have heard the music of the great jazz masters and folk song-writers. I believe the love of all genres of music is what shapes our musical journey in the most profound and engaging ways.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Two New Solo Recordings

Since the mics are all set-up for recording the new Terminal Union album I figured I'd lay down some of my favorite songs I've been playing lately. The first is a song by Townes Van Zandt - Pancho and Lefty. The second is an attempt at an authentic version of Dave Van Ronk's Losers in drop D with Travis style thumb picking.  Hope you enjoy these.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Teminal Union Album Photo Shoot

Had a great time this weekend with Matt Jenkins in Dayton, OH shooting pics for Terminal Union's upcoming album, Making Arrangements. Matt is really talented and highly recommended for a down to earth photo shoot that yields professional results. Here is just a few of the photos we are starting to see from yesterday's shoot. Looking forward to the rest and getting them incorporated into the album design. Our album is still set for release on May, 4th, 2012 - at the grand-opening of the Plain-Folk Cafe with Rumpke Mountain Boys.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tomorrow Is A Long Time

Another hallway recording using my Zoom H2 set at 196khz. This is natural reverb in a long, hardwood hallway with the mic about 5 feet away. I also added one of the cheesy, stock ProTools compressors called Maxim. I used the Radio Limiter preset. It definitely boosts things compared to my other tracks but I can't tell if it's just smashing it and destroying the dynamics. Either way, the sound is not too bad for a cheap home system.

Tomorrow Is A Long Time has always been one of my favorite Dylan tunes.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Terminal Union Album Recording: Louisville KY

Here's a video showing our recent trip to Liquid Sound Studios in Louisville KY. Owner and friend, Tyler Morrison, treated us well and even let us track on his 2" tape. Tyler is great and the best engineer I've ever worked with. He is experienced beyond his years and he's not even 30 yet.

Our project is turning into 12 original songs. 5 by Ian, 5 by me and two co-writes. We're hoping to have it out by this spring. Next session is scheduled for next week. Our focus is on the songs and really just getting an album out and into peoples hands. We are not interested in micro-managing an album and turning it into a major production. For Ian and I this album is all about the songs and when it comes down to it the songs can all be said with a guitar and vocal. Whatever we add on is going to be how we play live with minimal overdubs. For example, they'll be bass on most tunes and special features on others. Tyler laid down cello on Ian's Devil In the Details and it adds an amazing touch. But we are not going to get bogged down with that on every track. We want the album finished in two more sessions and it looks like we are on track.

The accompanying song is a brand new song I began writing during our Nashville trip. It's called Things I've Left To Do. This is a demo recording I made when I got home. I used my ZoomH2 recorder and recorded in my upstairs hallway. The natural reverb was great. This may be another song we sneak on the album. Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Demo Recording: Things I've Left To Do

Terminal Union has wrapped up our first studio session down at Liquid Sound Studios in Louisville, Kentucky. We've started tracking 8 of 12 original songs slated for our first release in spring 2012. So far the album consists of five originals from each of us and two songs we co-wrote together.

Ian and I both are working on some brand new originals that we hope we can maybe make it time for the album. One song is below - I wrote this just last night and laid down a demo recording of it today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Souled Out - Live acoustic performance with Sonny Moorman on Bass

I had the honor of playing one of Sonny Moorman's acoustic songs for him at a recent blues jam in Cincinnati. Sonny and his drummer popped in on the second verse and it made for a really special performance. Thanks, Sonny!

For those who don't know about Sonny Moorman - Sonny has been on the Cincinnati music scene longer than almost anyone around. He gained national recognition as one of the finest and most tasteful blues players. When you get a chance to hear Sonny play you are being to treated to some of the best blues guitar you may ever here. So, catch him out around town when you're ready to put down the Dubstep and have your mind really blown.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Live Terminal Union Performances

Ian and I are currently in the middle of our January residency at Stanley's Pub. We're playing every Wednesday this month in one of the east sides more well known music venues. Ian was playing here back when he was 16 years old. Our friend, Noah Hunt, got his whole start there before he joined the Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band.

We've had decent crowds each night so far. I'm most excited about the number of my skating homies who have steadily been building up their attendance. It means a lot to me because this Americana style of music is not typical skater fare. So when they are there diggin' the tunes and having a good time I'm happy. Hanging with them outside of the skate realm is great as well.

Here's a live version of Terminal Union playing John Prine's Souvenirs.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Generational Shredding

A quick clip of nearly four generations of skaters goin' at it. 1 tween, 1 teen, 1 adult and 1 geriatric. This is nothing hardcore here. Just the essence of skating, that's all. Having fun on your board.

Here's what's going on...Please check here before calling ;)