Sunday, September 12, 2010

9/11 Tribute: Neil's Finest Hour

I wanted to post a musical tribute today for remembrance of 9/11.

It was Neil Young's finest hour.

On September 21, 2001, just days after the 9-11 terror attack on the United States,
Neil Young performed John Lennon's "Imagine" on the broadcast musical benefit telethon "America:
A Tribute to Heroes".

Simulcast live from London, New York and Los Angeles on the four major TV networks and the
Internet, the program was seen by an estimated 89 million viewers and netted roughly $230
million in donations.

For many, Young's performance was emotionally wrenching and heart felt. Performing on a
grand piano and accompanied by a small orchestra of violins, Young's rendition of Lennon's
"Imagine" spoke to many of us who were suffering from the terrible tragedies in New York,
Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Notably, Young changed the lyrics from "imagine no possessions, to "I wonder if *I* can".
(thanks Marilyn)

Those in the studio that night, reported that Young appeared to be on the verge of tears upon
completing the song. Pulse Magazine wrote that Young's performance of "Imagine" on the
Benefit telecast was "one of those moments you never forget."

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