Monday, October 29, 2012

New Video Dump: Terminal Union and Solo Piano -

I've filmed quite a few videos over the last few weeks. Thought I'd put them up here for you.

Terminal Union: Magnificent Sounds and Dark Hollow

Randy Newman: I Want You To Hurt Like I Hurt

Pink Floyd: Nobody's Home

Bob Dylan: Mama, You've Been On My Mind

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nobody Home - Pink Floyd (solo piano cover)

Playing Nobody Home from The Wall on piano is almost like a ritual for me. That song has been part of me since my earliest days of listening to music. Was always fascinated by the solo piano and vocal in this track contrasted to the rest of the album. I used to try to pick the song out when I was younger and never had any luck. It's funny how time and practice will get you there eventually:

:::Nobody Home, Pink Floyd:::piano cover

I Want You To Hurt Like I Do - Randy Newman - solo piano cover

Randy Newman is one of my favorite singer-songwriter/pianists. No one does satire better than him. I've been dealing with some back issue lately. I thought the title of this song was fitting for a new blog post.

Newman said this song was a satiric follow-up to We Are The World. To me, the lyrics are extremely dark and represent the lowest of the low in human nature. Hope you enjoy this living room performance with recoded with my iphone fisheye:

::I Want You To Hurt Like I Do:::

I learned this song from the following live performance in London, 1989:

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